How do I create a new feed?

When creating a new Feed Them Social feed in FTS 4.0, go to FT Social > Add New Feed.

***It is important to note, that if you try to create a new feed, be careful not to use the same feed you initially started on, as this will continuously overwrite the feed. You must go to FT Social > Add New Feed to add, start or create a new feed.

1. The first step is to select the social media platform and gain an access token (Instagram Basic is chosen by default, click any other platform in the screenshot oval to change this).

2. Next, you will click for an access token, and after the prompts return you to WordPress, you can name your new feed ("My Feed" is labeled by default).

3. Then click the green bar to create your Social media feed.

4. When you have finished configuring your social media feed, just copy/paste your shortcode (in the upper right) and enter it into a shortcode block [/] on your WordPress page.

5. After you have created your new feed, you can always access this feed (if you need to edit your feed) by going to FT Social > Feeds

For each new and/or additional feed, you wish to create, you must start by going to FT Social > Add New Feed and repeating the process for each new, individual feed you wish to create.